We make all our glued articles of course also according to your measurements. It would be ideal if you could come to take measurements in our showroom. If this is not possible, please contact us by email and please send us our completed dimension sheet to. Please let yourself measured by a second person. We are available for questions to the right measuring to you with pleasure by email, our contact form or telephone.
For a customisation a completely new cut is provided by us for you for which we raise a surcharge. This depends on the respective price of the basic model. For every customisation you receive from us an offer.
Specials we would like to discuss with you in person at our showroom. Locally you can put from the rich colour range of your 4D Rubber colours, select the latex thickness and let you measure. We advise you gladly. Also for specials you receive from us your individual offer.
For more information, please visit the home page for this product.